What we do
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Vega, fully combining technologies of Web2, Web3 and AIGC, focuses on being the infrastructure of Idol and fan economy. Totally different from the traditional entertainment industry just around content creation and spreading in a single way, Vega is creating a fully new method of content generation and propagation by unique product models and economics.
Simplify creative content by using AIGC, whether the creation of talented artists in music, lyrics or drawing, or fan-arts
Interactive content dissemination method supported by full stack toolkit
Decentralized governance and tokenomics keep the fair and trusted income distribution between idols and each valuable fan
Each idol and talented artist own secure, trust and clear boundaries social relationship with their loyal fans
Fan's activity of "follow for loving" becomes transparent and visible value relationships, and it has excellent and safe capitalization capabilities and liquidity under support of Vega's tokenomics. Make these relationships "live".