$Happy(Utility Token)
$HAPPY is utility token for fans' community activity, more like integration even though it's also a smart contract, and could be circulated in secondary markets.What we mention in the above is Vega's token allocation model. Based on the token model, we talk about Vega's business model.All of the fans' consumption in Vega should be carried through $HAPPY directly. Different consumption will be set up different trading fees, and this part of token as Vega's income will be collected into an independent smart contract. This income will periodically split into the following parts by dynamic proportion.
Transfer to 0x0 to burn
Team income
Vega Community Treasury
There is no initial supply with $HAPPY, which is mined by fans as the community POW reward. $HAPPY is unlimited issued.$HAPPY will be issued while holders staked their $ENT or Vega NFT to beloved idol community contract, and then fans could get $HAPPY as rewards by accomplishing the common or platform-defined community tasks. Total daily supply of $HAPPY in each idol community is influenced by factors of {Community Level | Staking $ENT amount | Score of fans contribution | Amount of followers}, as the formula below:$$Daily Output = CL * Score * log_e{Staking} * log_e{Followers}$$And each contributor could participate in claiming their $HAPPY by score weight in the range of community.
Vega has many internal scenarios for fans to consume their $HAPPY, including buying Idol issued NFT by Vega Tool kits, upgrading fans token level of Idol, voting in the next stage vega show, and so on. On the other hand, Vega offers the ability for our own or any other developers to provide $HAPPY consumption scenes by build-in contract method. All of these will burn $HAPPY.
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